Providing exceptional customer service is more crucial than ever. One key to achieving this is empowering your agents with a comprehensive, 360-degree view of the customer. By leveraging the capabilities of ServiceNow, you can equip your agents with the tools they need to resolve issues faster and deliver personalized service.

The Importance of a 360-Degree Customer View

A 360-degree view means your agents have access to all relevant customer information in one place. This includes past interactions, purchase history, preferences, and any open service requests. With this holistic view, agents can:

  1. Resolve Issues Faster: When agents have all the necessary information at their fingertips, they can quickly diagnose and solve problems without needing to ask customers for details they’ve already provided. This efficiency not only reduces handling time but also minimizes customer frustration.
  2. Deliver Personalized Service: Understanding a customer’s history and preferences allows agents to tailor their responses and solutions, creating a more personalized and satisfying customer experience. Personalized service builds customer loyalty and can turn a one-time customer into a repeat client.
  3. Increase Efficiency: A centralized customer view reduces the need for agents to switch between multiple systems and databases, streamlining their workflow and improving overall efficiency. This can significantly reduce the cognitive load on agents, allowing them to focus on providing high-quality service.
  4. Enhance Proactive Support: With a 360-degree view, agents can identify potential issues before they escalate. For instance, they can spot patterns in service requests that may indicate a larger problem, allowing them to take proactive steps to address these issues.
  5. Boost Agent Morale: When agents are equipped with the right tools and information, they feel more confident in their ability to assist customers. This can lead to higher job satisfaction and lower turnover rates.


How ServiceNow Facilitates a 360-Degree Customer View

ServiceNow’s Customer Service Management (CSM) platform integrates data from various sources to provide a unified customer profile.

Key features include:

  • Unified Customer Record: ServiceNow consolidates customer data from different systems into a single, easily accessible record. This record includes interaction history, account details, and service requests. By having a complete customer profile, agents can provide informed and accurate support.
  • Real-Time Updates: The platform ensures that customer information is always up-to-date, enabling agents to provide timely and accurate assistance. Real-time updates are crucial in fast-paced environments where customer needs and situations can change rapidly.
  • Contextual Knowledge: ServiceNow’s Knowledge Management system equips agents with relevant articles and solutions based on the customer’s issue and history, further enhancing their ability to resolve problems quickly. This contextual knowledge helps agents avoid redundant troubleshooting steps and speeds up issue resolution.
  • Integrated Communication Channels: ServiceNow integrates various communication channels, such as email, chat, and phone, into a single interface. This allows agents to seamlessly switch between channels while maintaining the context of the customer’s issue.
  • Automation and AI: The platform leverages automation and artificial intelligence to streamline routine tasks and provide predictive insights. For example, AI can analyze past interactions to predict the most effective resolution methods, while automation can handle repetitive tasks, freeing up agents to focus on more complex issues.

Implementation Tips

Successfully implementing a 360-degree customer view in ServiceNow requires careful planning and execution.

Here are some tips to help you get started:

  1. Assess Your Current Systems: Begin by evaluating your existing systems and data sources. Identify where customer data is stored and how it can be integrated into ServiceNow. This will help you understand the scope of the project and plan accordingly.
  2. Data Cleanliness: Ensure that your customer data is accurate and up-to-date. Cleanse and deduplicate data to avoid inconsistencies and redundancies. A unified view is only as good as the data it contains.
  3. Stakeholder Buy-In: Gain support from key stakeholders across departments. A 360-degree view benefits multiple areas, including sales, marketing, and customer support. Engage these teams early in the process to ensure alignment and cooperation.
  4. Leverage ServiceNow Capabilities: Make full use of ServiceNow’s integration capabilities to bring together data from disparate systems. Utilize APIs and connectors to streamline data flow and ensure real-time updates.
  5. Training and Change Management: Equip your agents with the necessary training to utilize the new system effectively. Change management is crucial to ensure a smooth transition and adoption of new processes.
  6. Monitor and Optimize: Once implemented, continuously monitor the system’s performance. Gather feedback from users and make adjustments as needed. Regularly review data quality and system integrations to maintain the integrity of your 360-degree view.



Empowering your agents with a 360-degree view of the customer is not just a technological upgrade; it’s a strategic move to enhance customer service. By leveraging ServiceNow’s robust capabilities and a ServiceNow Partner like Infocenter, you can ensure your agents have the insights and tools they need to provide exceptional service and build lasting customer relationships.

Implementing these strategies can transform your customer service operations, driving both customer satisfaction and business success. As businesses continue to evolve, having a comprehensive understanding of your customers will be essential for staying competitive and meeting their ever-growing expectations.

In conclusion, a 360-degree customer view is a powerful tool that empowers your agents, enhances service delivery, and ultimately drives business growth. Embrace this approach with ServiceNow to revolutionize your customer service experience.


Join the Conversation

I invite you to join the conversation on LinkedIn and share your experiences with ServiceNow CSM. 

Have you implemented it in your organization? What challenges did you face, and what successes have you achieved? Let’s connect and learn from each other’s experiences. 

For more on ServiceNow CSM, or to speak with an expert, contact Infocenter today to get started.